Saturday, February 5, 2011

Identify The Issues(Communication)

This is one stage of problem solving for married couples,and it's identifing what the issues are and this is by communication between spouces.Either one can begin the discussion but key for making this work is each person to listen and be attentive,so to understand where both sides are coming from.Please try and refrane from raising your voices over each other,and been defensive all this leads to is an unsuccessfull discussion(hence more so an argument).

1 comment:

  1. Patrick- I agree with you, communication is a key subject in a marriage. I have only been married for a short while, and I have found out very quickly that it is necessary. What I have found out about communication is that both parties have to be involved. I agree that listening is a very important but also understanding where the other person is coming from. I also know that in a relationship you should always put whats on the table immediately.
