Thursday, February 10, 2011

Equality(Unity as one)

Marriage can be difficult there is no lie to that,but there are always solutions.Today i'm going to talk about the purpose of equality within your marriage.There should never be one person within your marriage to see them self as the dominent person,thats always a issue. wether it's the man or the woman it matters not for they let this kind of behavior blinds them from the true meaning of marriage.That it is no longer,Me,MySelf,and I.But instead should be,We,Our,and Us.And if you did not understand how about this,"It takes two to tango".Your marriage will never survive if both person can't put their mind together as one.And remember marriage is a UNION,so both opinion matters at all time.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Identify The Issues(Communication)

This is one stage of problem solving for married couples,and it's identifing what the issues are and this is by communication between spouces.Either one can begin the discussion but key for making this work is each person to listen and be attentive,so to understand where both sides are coming from.Please try and refrane from raising your voices over each other,and been defensive all this leads to is an unsuccessfull discussion(hence more so an argument).

Friday, February 4, 2011

Time For Change

Are you sick and tired of been sick and tired.Feeling like your marriage is going no where,but down hill.Well don't be sick and tired any more,lets work towards a change for the better.And a healtier/happier relationship and marriage with your spouse.It will be a journey to make this change,so i hope my solutions to certain issues/problems can help marriage couples find their way back to happiness.